
This is how it looks

I am a working mum. Which means I am generally juggling a few things at a time throughout the day. I work freelance so I am based at home, but I try not to do too much domestic stuff in the day so I stay on point with work.

Classic time of juggle is cooking dinner. Take today as an example. The children have swimming after school. We get in just before 6pm. Dinner needs to be cooked, swimming stuff goes in the wash, dog is begging for his dinner, lunch boxes are cleaned and filled again. Children want snacks, husband comes in from work, dishwasher is filled or emptied, bins put out.

My island at 6.45pm.

I’m actually a pretty tidy cook but this is what my kitchen looks like when I am cooking dinner. I even manage to watch a home renovation program on Netflix when I am doing all the things. To be honest, it keeps me company and slows me down so I don’t go frenetic.

That’s the thing. I actually like this time of the day. It’s lots of little tasks that need to be done and I work my way through and in an hour and a half, I’m sitting down with my family for dinner and the laundry is done, the bins are done, packed lunches are in the fridge and my husband is doing the washing up. Good job me.